Chris Sparks: Rider Profile

Family is a driving force in the lives of so many people, and this is especially true for Chris Sparks. When Chris started riding ten years ago, it was a nice way to spend time with his wife and kids while staying involved with the Saint John’s Pedalers. After 10 years of coordinating the Pedalers, Chris is proud to continue his support of the Texas Mamma Jamma Ride for the women in his family and the greater Central Texas Community.

Chris Sparks and Family

Chris Sparks and Family

Tell me a little bit about yourself. Where do you work? Do you have kids?

I am an analytical chemist for Air Liquide, a French multinational company. My wife, Stacy, is a Chemistry Professor at the University of Texas. We have two daughters, in 9th and 6th grade, who have grown up with the Texas Mamma Jamma Ride.


Why do you ride and fundraise for the Texas Mamma Jamma Ride?

After my first ride with my church and the Saint John’s Pedalers benefitting the Hill Country Ride for AIDS, I heard about another ride that would be starting that fall using a similar model as the HCRA. I was convinced to coordinate the Pedalers for that ride- the Texas Mamma Jamma Ride. Ten years later and I am still proud to be corralling the Saint John’s Pedalers, even if it is like herding cats.


Who do you ride for?

I ride for my family, the women in my life who have had breast cancer, and all our neighbors in Central Texas who benefit from the Texas Mamma Jamma Ride. More recently, my wife had a lumpectomy last year which was fortunately not malignant. That experience made me all the more grateful that the Texas Mamma Jamma Ride exists.


Who do you ride with?

I almost always ride with my family; it is an amazing way to bond for all of us. My daughters love to ride, and it gives them a real sense of accomplishment. They both started the Texas Mamma Jamma Ride in bike seats and trailers and now we can do the 25-mile routes together. It's been awesome to see them grow each year with the ride. If my family can’t make the ride, I ride with the Saint John’s Pedalers and push myself a little harder.


What do you love most about the Texas Mamma Jamma Ride?

If I have to pick one thing, it’s getting to know the broader community. You can run into people you’ve met doing other rides or see someone at HEB wearing a Mamma Jamma shirt, and you instantly have something in common. It’s a great feeling of community with people I might never have spoken to before.


Any special rituals before or after the ride?

I always look over the family bikes to make sure they are roadworthy, and all the lights work. And of course, we triple check that everyone has their helmets. The most difficult thing to pull off each year is getting a good Saint John’s Pedalers photo before the ride starts. If anyone has mastered the art of good group photos, please let me know!

Chris and kids

Chris and kids

By Sabina Conditt, Communication Intern

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