Kim Flores: Rider Profile

Texas Mamma Jamma Ride takes pride in having a wonderfully diverse community of riders. Whether it’s a new rider or someone who rides a lot, all strive for the same goal: to support women and families living with breast cancer in our community. Kim Flores, team captain of Team vcfo was kind enough to allow us to ask her about her reason for riding. 

Tell us a little about yourself. 

I’m the Vice President of Human Resources at vcfo. I am married with two boys – ages 8 and 12. In my free time I like to read, cook and bake. I’m a huge fan of the Great British Baking Show.

Why do you ride?

I learned about the Texas Mamma Jamma Ride through our involvement with the Entrepreneurs Foundation. Our employees liked the idea of being able to ride Mamma Jamma as a team to support this great organization. We had a “first time to ride” team with four of our Austin employees, one spouse and one of our clients. I personally have a long-time family friend who battled breast cancer and I rode in honor of her journey.

How do you prepare for the ride?

I have to confess that I didn’t train heavily for this ride but it was perfect for a first-timer.  I ride my bike occasionally with my 12-year-old on the trails near our house but hadn’t gone for a 15-mile ride in years. I definitely will train for 2019 but I was able to complete the ride on my pseudo-cruiser bike with no issues. 

What stands out to you about Texas Mamma Jamma Ride?

One of the things that I really loved about Mamma Jamma is that it benefits many different aspects of breast cancer support such as providing medical equipment, support groups, post-cancer support and treatments, etc.

Any rituals before or after the ride?

We didn’t have rituals in 2018 other than a lot of praying that the rain and thunderstorms would subside – which they did! Our team enjoyed spending some time in Martindale post-ride relaxing, enjoying the lovely lunch and live music and watching other riders arrive.

What is one thing you'd say about Mamma Jamma to convince a friend or family member to join you in the ride?

This is a fantastic ride for a new rider. Half of our team had never ridden in a ride like this and we all made it to the end with smiles on our faces.

by Christian Mariano, Communications Intern


Team vcfo in order from left to right: Kim Flores, Carrie Goff, Ellen Suh, Kathy Wilfley, Mike Wilfley, Tom Afflerbach

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